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Frank Rühli, Prof. Dr. Dr. med., EMBA
Director of the Institute
Co-Head Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
+41 44 635 05 15 (Room Y42 G70)
Adrian Jäggi, Prof. Dr.
Vice Director of the Institute
Head Human Ecology Group
+41 44 635 05 40 (Room Y42 G82)
Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies
Frank Rühli, Prof. Dr. Dr. med., EMBA
Director of the Institute
Co-Head Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
+41 44 635 05 15 (Room Y42 G70)
Patrick Eppenberger, PD Dr. med., EMBA, Dipl. Industrial Designer FH
Co-Head Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
+41 44 635 05 43 (Room Y42 G86)
Asya Makhro, Dr. sc. nat.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies Group
+41 44 635 05 43 (Room Y42 G86)
Mahmoud Ibrahim, M.A.
Egyptologist and Research Assistant
Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
Antonella Pedergnana, PhD
Research Affiliate
Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
+41 44 635 05 37 (Room Y42 G86)
Roger Seiler, Dr. med. dent. Dr. phil.
Research Affiliate
Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group
Abagail Breidenstein, PhD
Research Affiliate
Ancient Biomolecular Group
Urs Leo Gantenbein, Dr. med.
Research Affiliate
Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
Olivia Schiess, Medical Student
Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies Group
Talissa Kucera, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Non-destructive tooth cementum annulation (TCA) based age estimation by conventional and phase sensitive high-resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Michela Lanfranchi, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Proteomic and histologic assessment of molecular taphonomy in ancient human and animal soft tissues
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Raphael Hug, Dr. med. dent. Student
Thesis title: Sex determination in human teeth by Raman spectroscopic differentiation of AMELX and AMELY amelogenin
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Heike Tomov, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Evaluation long term memory of pre-clinical education in a clinical experience-based approach
Advisor: Elisabeth Eppler
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Dawei Dong, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Computed Micro-Tomography Aided Tooth Molding: a new method to create highly accurate 3D dental models in paleoanthropology
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Henrik Pabst, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Development of an optical transmission tomography system for high-resolution imaging of ancient human hard tissues
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Cinzia Ricchello, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Grundlagen des inkrementellen Wachstums von Zahnhartsubstanzen
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Constantin Suter, Dr. med. dent. Student
Thesis title: Investigating tooth elongation due to compensatory cementum apposition in ancient Egyptian populations using micro-CT imaging
Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Najmeh Sefat, Master Student (MPMED Adelaide Medical School)
Research topic: Investigating anatomical variations in foot skeleton in relation to foot pathology using medical imaging
Principal: S. Callary
Co-Supervisor: M. Henneberg
Co-Supervisor: F. Rühli
Human Ecology
Adrian Jäggi, Prof. Dr.
Vice Director of the Institute
Head Human Ecology Group
+41 44 635 05 40 (Room Y42 G82)
Camila Scaff, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Human Ecology Group
+41 44 635 05 38 (Room Y11 G32)
Abigail Colby, MA
PhD Student
Human Ecology Group
+41 44 635 05 38 (Room Y11 G32)
Charlotte Debras, Master Biodiversité, Écologie et Évolution
PhD Student
Human Ecology Group
+41 44 635 05 38 (Room Y11 G32)
Jordan Scott Martin, PhD
Research Affiliate
Human Ecology Group
Adam Daniel Hunt, PhD
Research Affiliate
Human Ecology Group
Valerie Bättig, Master Student (MSc)
Thesis title: Is premenstrual syndrome a human universal? Impact of cycle phase and steroid hormone fluctuations on PMS symptoms in Tsimane' women
Advisor: Adrian Jäggi
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Dominik Jud, Master Student (MSc)
Thesis title: The influence of different stressors on the diurnal cortisol rhythms in a small-scale society
Advisor: Charlotte Debras
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Lea Frauenfelder, Master Student (MSc)
Thesis title: Personality across cultures: analyzing traits in the Tsimane and Western population
Advisor: Camila Scaff
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Evolutionary Morphology
Martin Häusler, PD Dr. sc. nat., Dr. med.
Head Evolutionary Morphology Group
Scientific Head Human Remains Collection
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Nicole Torres Tamayo, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Evolutionary Morphology Group
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Megan Malherbe, MPhil
PhD Student Evolutionary Morphology Group
Research Assistant Scientific Collection
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Cédric Cordey, MSc
PhD Student
Evolutionary Morphology Group
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Victoria Poltze, Master Erasmus Mundus
PhD Student
Evolutionary Morphology Group
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Benjamin Tournan, MSc
PhD Student
Evolutionary Morphology Group
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Mirella Woodert, MSc
Scientific Staff Member
Evolutionary Morphology Group
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Guillermo Bravo Morante, PhD
Technical Assistant
Evolutionary Morphology Group
Cinzia Fornai, PhD
Research Affiliate
Evolutionary Morphology Group
Viktoria Krenn, PhD, Ing.
Research Affiliate
Evolutionary Morphology Group
Nicole Webb, PhD
Research Affiliate
Evolutionary Morphology Group
Rebeka Rmoutilova, PhD
Research Affiliate
Evolutionary Morphology Group
Antoinette Goujon, PhD Student
Thesis title: Leben am Zürichsee – Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen zu Gesundheit und Ernährung zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Advisor: Sönke Szidat
Supervisor: Philippe Della Casa
Aita Kaufmann, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Evolutionärmedizinsiche Aspekte von Rückenproblemen und ihre Beziehung zur Wirbelmorphologie
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Elisha Eastline, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Der Einfluss von Lebensweise und Belastung auf die Wirbelmorphologie bei den Tsimane (Bolivien)
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Laurens Shahrdar, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Erleichtert die Kovariation der Schädelform mit dem Becken das obstetrische Dilemma?
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Nabila Aissami, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Zusammenhang von Rückenproblemen mit der Wirbelmorphologie
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Shanel Müller, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Evolutionärmedizinische Aspekte des Wachstums der Wirbelsäule
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Milo Kistler, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Projektion des Wachstums beim Becken von Turkana boy (Homo erectus)
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Martin Häusler
Jasmin Köchli, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Evolutionärmedizinische Aspekte zur Ontogenie der menschlichen Körperproportionen
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Nadine Oertle, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Korrelation von Wirbelpathologie mit dem Lebensstil
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Lena Metzen, Master Student (MSc)
Thesis title: Did Lorenzo de Medici “the Magnificent” (1449-92) father of the Renaissance suffer from acromegaly?
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Martin Häusler
Manon Briner, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Vergleich von Wirbelpathologien bei den Tsimane mit dem Lebensstil
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Gabriel Burkhard, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Evolutionärmedizinische Aspekte zur Ontogenie der menschlichen Körperproportionen am Beispiel von Homo erectus
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Martin Häusler
Mina Marbacher, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Wirbelmorphologien der Moseten im Vergleich zu New Mexico
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Lara Jakits, Master Student (MMed)
Thesis title: Evolutionärmedizinische Aspekte zur Ontogenie des Humerus am Beispiel von Homo erectus
Advisor: Martin Häusler
Supervisor: Martin Häusler
Jasmin Sonego. Master Student (MSc)
Thesis title: The effect of pelvis morphology on locomotor cost
Advisor: Cédric Cordey
Supervisor: Martin Häusler
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology
Kaspar Staub, Prof. Dr. phil.
Adjunct Professor & Head Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
Institute Manager
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Katarina Matthes, PhD
Deputy Head & Senior Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Maryam Kordi, Dr. phil.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Jurgita Slekiene, Dr. phil.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Mathilde Le Vu, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Aline Moerlen, BA
Junior Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
Nuria Bruno, BLaw
Junior Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
Silvan Benz, BA
Junior Research Assistant
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
Ella Ziegler, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: The 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Zurich
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Kaspar Staub
Sarah-Maria Müller, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Diphtheria in Switzerland since the 19th century
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Kaspar Staub
Paula Küng, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Period and cohort mortality effects in Glarus since the 18th century
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Rosa Hinselmann, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Association between maternal pregnancy waist circumference and neonatal size in Lausanne at the beginning of the 20th century
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Nora Haag, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Maternal pelvis dimensions versus neonatal health in Lausanne 1922
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Ellen Hünerwadel, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Births and neonatal health at the Lausanne Maternity Hospital 1910-1911 in comparison with census data 1910 and the heat wave in summer 1911
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Lucie Ziegler, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Socio-demographic differences in excess mortality by age sex and occupation in the city of Zurich during the “Russian flu” 1885-1891
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Fabio Termini, MMed Student
Thesis title: Syphilis and neonatal health in Lausanne ca. 1920
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Kaspar Staub
Silja Reisch, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Quantifying cause-specific infant mortality in Switzerland 1880-1940
Advisor: Katarina Matthes
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Clara Seebach, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Quantifying cause-specific mortality of women in childbearing age after the influenza pandemics of 1890 1918 1957 1969 and 2009 in Switzerland
Advisor: Katarina Matthes
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Elisa Müller, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Temperature-related mortality and morbidity in Egypt 1910-1913
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Isabel Huber, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Micro-level reconstruction of gastrointestinal disease in the city of Zurich around the heatwave of 1911
Advisor: Kaspar Staub
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Clinical Evolutionary Medicine
Nicole Bender, PD MD, PhD, MSc, FMH
Deputy Institute Manager
Head Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
Phone: +41 44 635 05 31 (Room WAC E79)
Presence: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
Asya Makhro, Dr. sc. nat.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies Group
+41 44 635 05 43 (Room Y42 G86)
Jurgita Slekiene, Dr. phil.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Nima Husseini, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Sex and age differences in hydration and body composition in musculoskeletal patients: comparative study
Advisor: Nicole Bender
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Siya Ravy, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Dietary recommendations for diabetes mellitus with and without pharmacological treatment: systematic review and assessment of quality.
Advisor: Nicole Bender
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Samira Spirig, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Association between Sleep quality and/or quantity and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review.
Advisor: Nicole Bender
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Sven Frei, Dr. med. Student
Thesis title: Association between Sleep quality and/or quantity and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review.
Advisor: Nicole Bender
Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
Verena J. Schünemann, Prof. Dr. Dr.
Research Fellow Paleogenetics Group
Saskia Pfrengle, MSc
Lab Manager Paleogenetics Group
+41 44 635 05 14 (Room Y42 G88)
Christian Urban, MSc
PhD Student Paleogenetics Group
+41 44 635 05 14 (Room Y42 G88)
Donikë Sejdiu, MSc
PhD Student Paleogenetics Group
+41 44 635 05 14 (Room Y42 G88)
Jaruschka Pecnik, PhD Student UniBas
Research Affiliate Paleogenetics Group
Shevan Wilkin, PhD
Research Affiliate Paleogenetics Group
Kerttu Majander, PhD
Research Affiliate Paleogenetics Group
Enrique Rayo Blasco, PhD
Research Affiliate Paleogenetics Group
Medical and Human Remains Collections
Sabina Carraro, Conservator-Restorer, CAS Applied History UZH
Head of Medical and Human Remains Collections
Group Leader
+41 44 635 05 62
Theresa Bayer, PhD Historian
Deputy Head of Medical Collection
+41 44 635 05 62
Sophie Ledebur, PhD Historian
Martin Häusler, PD Dr. sc. nat., Dr. med.
Head Evolutionary Morphology Group
Scientific Head Human Remains Collection
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)
Théophile Vergnaud, MA Conservator-Restorer
Johanna Stierlin, MA Conservator-Restorer
Elodie Granget, MA Conservator-Restorer
Michael Geiges, Dr. med.
Senior physician
Curator Museum of Wax Moulages
+41 44 255 56 85
Thomas Böni, KD Dr. med.
Research Affiliate Medical and Human Remains Collections Group
+41 44 635 05 10 (Room Y42 G70)
Martin Trachsel, Dr. phil.
Research Affiliate Medical Collection
Gina Gut, Master Student (Dent Med)
Thesis title: Medizinhistorische Augeninstrumente im Wandel der Zeit
Advisor: Thomas Böni
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Simone Abitabile, Master Student
Thesis Title: Zur Geschichte der Lithotomie- und Lithotripsieinstrumente
Advisor: Thomas Böni
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Micha Zeller, Master Student
Thesis title: Die Entwicklung der Geburtszangen im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert
Advisors: Thomas Böni Theresa Bayer
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Jana Egger, Master Student (Dent Med)
Thesis title: Die dentalen Total- und Teilprothesen der Medizinischen Sammlung der Universität Zürich: Inventar und medizinhistorische Einordnung
Advisor: Roger Seiler
Supervisor: Frank Rühli
Administration / IT
Kaspar Staub, Prof. Dr. phil.
Adjunct Professor & Head Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
Institute Manager
+41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
Beatrice Borgts
Deputy Institute Manager Finances & HR
Phone: +41 44 635 01 11 (Room Y42 G66)
Presence: Monday to Thursday
Nicole Bender, PD MD, PhD, MSc, FMH
Deputy Institute Manager
Head Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
Phone: +41 44 635 05 31 (Room WAC E79)
Presence: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
Stephan Thürig
+41 44 635 53 01 (Room Y42 G88)
Oskar Sanislo, MA
+41 44 635 25 17 (Room Y42 G66)
Irina Lipp-Onopko
+41 44 635 01 11 (Room Y42 G66)
Academic Guests
Maciej Henneberg, Prof. Dr. , PhD DSc FRSB
Hans-Peter Lipp, Prof. em. Dr.
Robert D. Martin, Prof. em. Dr. , DPhil
Wolfgang Langhans, Prof. em. Dr.
Stephan Schuster, Prof. Dr.
Academic Guest
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Elisabeth Eppler, PD Dr. med.
Academic Guest
University of Berne
Luciano Saso, Prof. Dr.
Academic Guest
Sapienza University of Rome
Yehia Zakaria Gad, Prof. em. Dr.
Olia Bolshakova
Michael Campana
Kati Dageförde
Giada Ferrari
Nakita Frater
Fiona Freiburghaus
Francesco Maria Galassi
Gina Gemperle
Ruth Hangartner
Aaron Hermann
Maria Inès Hofmann
Nicole Hofmann
Ina Kaufmann
Nikola Koepke
Annina Krüttli
Sabine Landis
Anne Lehner
Karl Link
Sandra Mathews
Sabrina Meyer
Corinne Minder
Jolandie Myburgh
Martina Nüesch
Mathieu Robin
Kim Röthlin
Sidney Senti
Natalia Shved
Roland Suri
Christina Sydler
Nina Tabord
Claudia Vigano
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