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AAHCI European Regional Office


The AAHCI (the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International) supports their members as they educate the next generation of health professionals, conduct biomedical research, and provide patient care.

Improving the health and well-being of the communities that members serve depends on the continuous advancement, alignment, and optimization of each element of this three-part mission. 

The Alliance and AAHCI’s mission is to lead members as they transform, adapt, and thrive in the changing health care landscape — including through thought leadership, programs, policy development, advocacy, meetings, publications, and research and analytics. 

The AAHCI European Regional Office is responsible for organizing regional events and conferences, fostering the discussion on key issues for European academic health centers and systems, contributing to the development of AAHCI programs, and strengthening collaborations between current and perspective Alliance and AAHCI members, especially, but not only, in Europe.

AAHCI European Regional Office Leadership

Frank Rühli, MD, PhD, EMBA
Regional Ambassador
Dean, University of Zürich Faculty of Medicine

Luciano Saso, PhD
Regional Ambassador
Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine 
Sapienza University of Rome




Academic Health Center City Country
Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (PMU) Salzburg Austria
Medical University of Vienna Vienna Austria
Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin (Charité) Berlin Germany
University Medical Center Göttingen Göttingen Germany
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum Germany
LMU München Germany
UPMC Italy Palermo Italy
Sapienza University of Rome (European Regional Office Co-Host) Rome Italy
University of Milan-Bicocca Milan Italy
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Lithuania
Católica Luz Clinical Academic Centre Lisboa Portugal
University Porto ICBAS Porto Portugal
University of Beira interior Covilha Protugal
University Medical Center Ljubljana Ljubljana Slovenia
University of Zurich Medical School (European Regional Office Host) Zürich Switzerland
Kyiv Medical University Kyiv Ukraine
Imperial College London London United Kingdom
Manchester Academic Health Center Manchester United Kingdom
King's Health Partners/King's College of London London United Kingdom
Newcastle Health Innovation Partners Tyne United Kingdom

Past events

AAHCI European Regional Meeting 2023 Zurich

2024 European Regional Meeting

September 9-10, 2024: The AAHCI held a European Regional Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland, hosted by The University Medical Center Göttingen (link: (UMG) and co-organized by The University of Zürich Faculty of Medicine (link: Under the theme Governance Models for Academic Health Care Centers, academic health center leaders gathered to share best practices and explore how to best position their institution to prepare for future challenges. Leaders from the region and across the globe explored opportunities to enhance capabilities in research, innovation, clinical care, and health professions education. The full program is here (PDF, 419 KB).

2023 European Regional Meeting

September 7-8, 2023: The AAHCI held a European Regional Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland, hosted and co-organized by The University of Zürich Faculty of Medicine. Under the theme Innovating Medical Centers in Times of Crisis and Change, leaders from AAHCI-member institutions and prospective AAHCI members gathered to explore challenges, lessons learned, and how to best position academic health centers as innovators amidst global and regional challenges. The full program is here (PDF, 471 KB), and the meeting proceedings is here (PDF, 1 MB).

Webinar: “Innovations in Health Care Technologies: AI, Telemedicine, and Consumer Wearables”

March 30, 2023: AAHCI European Regional Office host, the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine, co-presented a webinar focused on “Innovations in Health Care Technologies: AI, Telemedicine, and Consumer Wearables.” AAHCI Regional Ambassador Luciano Saso, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome, gave introductory remarks. AAHCI Regional Ambassador Frank Rühli, DrMed, PhD, dean of the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine, facilitated this webinar that focused on new and innovative trends in health care technologies, with insights on how patents can be used to protect health care technology and on the challenges of the patent-granting process. Access the webinar here

Webinar: “Adopting Best Practices in Personalized Medicine Research”

Dec. 16, 2022: The AAHCI European Regional Office host, the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine, co-hosted a webinar, “Adopting Best Practices in Personalized Medicine Research.” AAHCI Regional Ambassador Luciano Saso, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome, facilitated this webinar that provided different perspectives from Alliance and AAHCI members on how research and innovation in personalized medicine are being adapted into clinical practices. Common challenges, strategies, and best practices were shared with participants from senior leadership of academic health centers. Access the webinar here

AAHCI Announces Transition of European Regional Office

July 6, 2022: AAHCI is pleased to announce a new host of its European Regional Office. As of July 1, 2022, the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine, will assume hosting and leadership responsibilities. Maastricht University was the previous AAHCI European Regional Office host until June 2020. 

2022 European Regional Meeting

March 24-25, 2022: The AAHCI held a European Regional Meeting in Salzburg, Austria, hosted by Paracelsus Medical University Salzberg. Under the theme of Forum Medicine 21: University Medicine in the Covid-19 Pandemic, this in-person symposium provided a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer discussion on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and future trends for academic health centers. 

AAHCI Roundtable: COVID-19 Epicenters: Lessons Learned, Impact, and Next Steps

June 2020: AAHCI organized a virtual roundtable together with member Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, under the theme COVID-19 Epicenters: Lessons Learned, Impact, and Next Steps. This virtual gathering brought together a small group of leaders from member institutions in the United States and Europe who focused on how they have dealt with the pandemic, addressing such issues as:

  • COVID-19: working together through academic research networks.
  • Financial impact of COVID-19.
  • How academic health center leaders are planning for 2021.

Learn from leaders in Austria, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Slovenia, and the United States. Watch the video here 

European Regional Meeting 2020

February 2020: AAHCI hosted a small European Regional Meeting in Belgium, co-hosted by Maastricht University, AAHCI’s European Regional Office host, at their campus in Brussels. The one-day discussion-based sessions focused on topics such as “Medical education and accreditation” and “Enhancing support for the vital role AHCs play in society,” facilitated by our European members. The meeting provided a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer discussion on such key issues facing academic health center leaders in Europe.