Nicole Bender, PD MD, PhD, MSc, FMH Deputy Institute Manager Head Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group Phone: +41 44 635 05 31 (Room WAC E79) Presence: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday E-Mail More zu Nicole Bender
Asya Makhro, Dr. sc. nat. Postdoctoral Research Assistant Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies Group Phone +41 44 635 05 43 (Room Y42 G86) E-Mail More zu Asya Makhro, Dr. sc. nat.
Jurgita Slekiene, Dr. phil. Postdoctoral Research Assistant Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group Phone +41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68) E-Mail More zu Jurgita Slekiene, Dr. phil.
Nima Husseini, Dr. med. Student Thesis title: Sex and age differences in hydration and body composition in musculoskeletal patients: comparative study Advisor: Nicole Bender Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi More zu Nima Husseini, Dr. med. Student
Siya Ravy, Dr. med. Student Thesis title: Dietary recommendations for diabetes mellitus with and without pharmacological treatment: systematic review and assessment of quality. Advisor: Nicole Bender Supervisor: Frank Rühli More zu Siya Ravy, Dr. med. Student
Samira Spirig, Dr. med. Student Thesis title: Association between Sleep quality and/or quantity and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review. Advisor: Nicole Bender Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi More zu Samira Spirig, Dr. med. Student
Sven Frei, Dr. med. Student Thesis title: Association between Sleep quality and/or quantity and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review. Advisor: Nicole Bender Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi More zu Sven Frei, Dr. med. Student