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Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (IEM)

Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology

Led by Prof. Dr. Kaspar Staub

  • Kaspar Staub

    Kaspar Staub, Prof. Dr. phil.

    • Adjunct Professor & Head Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
    • Institute Manager
    +41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
  • Katarina Matthes, PhD

    Katarina Matthes, PhD

    • Deputy Head & Senior Research Assistant
    • Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
    +41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
  • Jurgita Slekiene, Dr. phil.

    Jurgita Slekiene, Dr. phil.

    • Postdoctoral Research Assistant
    • Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
    • Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
    +41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
  • Paula Küng, Dr. med. Student

    Paula Küng, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Period and cohort mortality effects in Glarus since the 18th century
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
    • Advisor: Kaspar Staub
  • Rosa Hinselmann, Dr. med. Student

    Rosa Hinselmann, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Association between maternal pregnancy waist circumference and neonatal size in Lausanne at the beginning of the 20th century
    • Advisor: Kaspar Staub
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Nora Haag, Dr. med. Student

    Nora Haag, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Maternal pelvis dimensions versus neonatal health in Lausanne 1922
    • Advisor: Kaspar Staub
    • Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
  • Ellen Hünerwadel, Dr. med. Student

    Ellen Hünerwadel, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Births and neonatal health at the Lausanne Maternity Hospital 1910-1911 in comparison with census data 1910 and the heat wave in summer 1911
    • Advisor: Kaspar Staub
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Lucie Ziegler, Dr. med. Student

    Lucie Ziegler, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Socio-demographic differences in excess mortality by age sex and occupation in the city of Zurich during the “Russian flu” 1885-1891
    • Advisor: Kaspar Staub
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Silja Reisch, Dr. med. Student

    Silja Reisch, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Quantifying cause-specific infant mortality in Switzerland 1880-1940
    • Advisor: Katarina Matthes
    • Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
  • Clara Seebach, Dr. med. Student

    Clara Seebach, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Quantifying cause-specific mortality of women in childbearing age after the influenza pandemics of 1890 1918 1957 1969 and 2009 in Switzerland
    • Advisor: Katarina Matthes
    • Supervisor: Adrian Jäggi
  • Isabel Huber, Dr. med. Student

    Isabel Huber, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Micro-level reconstruction of gastrointestinal disease in the city of Zurich around the heatwave of 1911
    • Advisor: Kaspar Staub
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli

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Research: Anthropometrics and Historical Epidemiology Group

Selected research projects are outlined on the webpage of the research group (Head: Kaspar Staub).