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Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (IEM)

Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies

Led by Prof. Frank Rühli, PD Patrick Eppenberger

  • Frank Rühli

    Frank Rühli, Prof. Dr. Dr. med., EMBA

    • Director of the Institute
    • Co-Head Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
    +41 44 635 05 15 (Room Y42 G70)

  • Patrick Eppenberger

    Patrick Eppenberger, PD Dr. med., EMBA, Dipl. Industrial Designer FH

    • Co-Head Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group
    +41 44 635 05 43 (Room Y42 G86)
  • Asya Makhro, Dr. sc. nat.

    Asya Makhro, Dr. sc. nat.

    • Postdoctoral Research Assistant
    • Clinical Evolutionary Medicine Group
    • Evolutionary Pathophysiology & Mummy Studies Group
    +41 44 635 05 43 (Room Y42 G86)
  • Talissa Kucera, Dr. med. Student

    Talissa Kucera, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Non-destructive tooth cementum annulation (TCA) based age estimation by conventional and phase sensitive high-resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography
    • Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Michela Lanfranchi, Dr. med. Student

    Michela Lanfranchi, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Proteomic and histologic assessment of molecular taphonomy in ancient human and animal soft tissues
    • Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Raphael Hug, Dr. med. dent. Student

    Raphael Hug, Dr. med. dent. Student

    • Thesis title: Sex determination in human teeth by Raman spectroscopic differentiation of AMELX and AMELY amelogenin
    • Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Heike Tomov, Dr. med. Student

    Heike Tomov, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Evaluation long term memory of pre-clinical education in a clinical experience-based approach
    • Advisor: Elisabeth Eppler
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Dawei Dong, Dr. med. Student

    Dawei Dong, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Computed Micro-Tomography Aided Tooth Molding: a new method to create highly accurate 3D dental models in paleoanthropology
    • Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Henrik Pabst, Dr. med. Student

    Henrik Pabst, Dr. med. Student

    • Thesis title: Development of an optical transmission tomography system for high-resolution imaging of ancient human hard tissues
    • Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli
  • Constantin Suter, Dr. med. dent. Student

    Constantin Suter, Dr. med. dent. Student

    • Thesis title: Investigating tooth elongation due to compensatory cementum apposition in ancient Egyptian populations using micro-CT imaging
    • Advisor: Patrick Eppenberger
    • Supervisor: Frank Rühli

Weiterführende Informationen

Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group

Further information about the Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group can be found here.