Mathilde Le Vu, PhD
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant
- Anthropometrics & Historical Epidemiology Group
- Phone
- +41 44 635 05 13 (Room Y11 G68)
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Temporal and other determinants of neonatal health reflecting maternal living standards in Lausanne, 1905-1925
Using birth records from the maternity of Lausanne, we aim at investigating the development of neonatal health during the years 1905-1925. Particularly, we will focus on the effects that two important shocks, i.e. the 1918/1919 influenza pandemic and food shortages (subsequent to World War I), may have indirectly had on neonatal health. On the other hand, as the data source also includes information on maternal infection during pregnancy, we will assess whether in utero exposure to influenza can impact birthweight.
This project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
PhD Supervisors: Pr. Dr. Sabine Rohrmann and PD Dr. Kaspar Staub